Yahoo Messenger 11 Final Offline Installer

Yahoo messenger 11 final version is available for download. After passing through the beta version, the popular instant messaging client also release a stable version. in this latest version incorporates many bug fixes and improved the general stability.

There a few feature in this YM 11, such as can be integrated with Facebook, come with new skin and more. This version of yahoo messenger also can be integrate with Yahoo! Pulse, and Twitter.

Yahoo Messenger 11 Final Version Features:
  • Play a game inline with your friend. The popular online game supported with this version yahoo messenger such as Mafia Wars and Fishville.
  • Post status to twitter, Facebook and yahoo pulse in one click.
  • Can be integrated with Facebook chat. Now with yahoo messenger 11 you can chat on Facebook without open and login to your Facebook page.
  • View comment and like update from flicker, Facebook, twitter and more
  • Added 7 newly messenger skin to personalize the yahoo messenger 11


Size : 18,052 MB

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Keep share...Thanks...

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makasih buat link ym-nya...

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